It's time to center the woman behind it all.

not the boss babe, labels AND roles or who you think you should be - who you really are.

Culture taught you success is a straight and narrow road paved with abandoning your desires to be desirable and being everything to everyone to be valuable.

That road is misleading, never ending and a dead end sure to make you feel you never arrive or aren't good enough. F*CK that

hey there you ambitious badass, over-achiever OR over-giver...

Part of you would love to abandon it all and retreat into the woods where you'll have some peace and finally scratch some itch within you to be wild and free.

Because the world doesn't support or celebrate women's deep desires. In fact,  more often than not you're actually judged pretty harshly for unapologetically expressing yourself no matter how you do it. 

So, it's no wonder you're afraid to soften, let go, express yourself and open up to your desires.

I get it. You feel guilty or lazy without your badge of productivity. You're in your head about things, wondering why you're coming up short on the promise of what you would achieve by doing everything 'right'.

You've got high expectations and would rather do it yourself than be let down or disappointed. You threw all your efforts into building a false sense of security, stability and support you've been convinced is out there in the money, career, achievements, luxuries, validations.

Now, you're scared your real ambitions and desires will make you blow up your life and move to Bali or worse - make you give it all up to be a girly girl in the garden, baking sourdough 'cause you're bored.

Being & Doing It All
Isn't 'Having It All'

Not to mention stories told about women, our bodies, mythology and archetypes have been distorted so we operate and act from beliefs formed by how we felt the world received or rejected us.




and yet...

But, this is not who you really are nor what your desires are about.

Your deep sense of safety, stability and being supported is within you.

Doing your own thing and living your own truth unapologetically doesn't have to be dramatic. 

Live the dream, change the world and build that empire. But, do it softly, supported and anchored on your terms.

      ARE YOUR


Keep chasing an endless horizon never really being satisfied or tend to your inner sanctuary where fulfillment and satiation are in abundance.

Sanctuary helps you intimately know your deep needs and desires, what drives you and what fulfills you.

It reveals the core of who you are so you can align with YOUR version of having it all and achieve more clarity and direction in your life and biz.

Through a blend of astrology, embodiment and re-framing your relationship to all the women inside you (archetypes) you'll have a more balanced approach and cyclical way of being that's practical, nourishing, satiating and sustainable.

The more secure you get in yourself, the more compassionate and at peace you become towards all your parts.

The more connected you are with all your parts, the more ambitious you'll be, able to expand into the spaciousness and possibilities of your dreams rather than being tunnel visioned into a narrow idea of success.

All the women inside you have permission.

Let go of who you “should be”.


Stay centered & stop comparing.

Discover practical ways to tend to your needs.


Change gears more smoothly.

Do Things Differently

Express yourself unapologetically and feel more creative and alive in your life and biz.

Be more kind, curious and accepting of who and where you are in any season of your life and more in flow with life in general.

where all the women inside you have permission & you are your soft place to land


     a slow drip self-paced journey that goes down easy


A relatable reframe of astrology, archetypes and women's wellness that's practical & permission giving.

Because understanding yourself is the key to accepting, embracing and loving yourself fully, stepping into your full power and living a life on your terms.

Through archetypal astrology work, we'll shine a light on the ways we are operating from conditioning as women and unlock how these can be reframed.

Be lit up by life and gain confidence to navigate your own decisions on what’s nourishing for you.

Discover actionable prompts and reflections to move in the direction of your true north, where you’ll unearth your own truths.

Take the steps to make change without completely imploding your life -  in a way that feels safe, secure and supported.

We'll unpack the conditioning to reveal universal patterns and identify how this influences your values and belief systems.

Make space, presence and permission for the curious woman, the nourished woman, the wild woman and the embodied woman.

Reframe the way you move through your seasons of womanhood with actionable and practical ways of engaging each part.

Reconnect with your feminine energy to feel empowered and make more impact through your biz.

how it works

Move at your own pace. Content is yours to keep.

Monthly audios and workbooks reframe cycles, archetypes, emotions & embodiment.

Explore aspects of your personal astrology in depth and in a layered way.

A year in the Voxer group to reflect, share and ask Erika questions.

Bonus playlists, astrological event insights and embodied movement experiences will be periodically dropped in for the group to enjoy.

You'll also get...

coming in november!

BRAND CONSISTENCY: An Archetype Workshop

Is your online presence expressing your truest professional essence? Can your people feel your work through the screen? Are you attracting the right people? This workshop will help you audit the way you're showing up to align your digital identity with your truest expression.

coming in december!


Peel back the shoulds and let your true essence out to play. Learn how to express yourself more unapologetically in every area of your life according to your astrological design. We'll cover everything from personal style and home design to how you express yourself creatively and in your relationships.



I'm taking you inside how I plan my life and biz according to my astrological design and deepest needs. I'll share my secrets for prioritizing the woman behind it all, ensuring my cup is full when life gets hectic, ambitious and busy.



A slow drip, self-paced journey that goes down easy.
Where the woman behind it all gets a soft place to land.


Equals $75 A MONTH
That's less than the price of one workshop alone!





price will go up soon

I'm Erika Linae and I don't play by the rules.

+ Manifesting Generator: I'm made to burn shit down and blaze a new path.
+ Libra Sun: I'm here for deep connections, harmony and balance
+ Capricorn Rising: I'm primed to lead my industry and master my craft
+ Sagittarius Moon: I'm on board to seek, explore, understand and share
+ Taurus North Node: I'm ready to soften into my femininty and embody my artistry
+ Scorpio Midheaven: I'm prepared to own my depth and intensity.

the woman behind it all

I'm changing the way women navigate entrepreneurship.

I resisted admitting astrology and feminine embodiment were my true zone of genius until I realized I could provide a grounded and practical presence (and community) in a space that was too overtly feminine and woo for my taste.

Helping women integrate their multi-passionate skills into a clear vision and biz that serves their deepest life desires and truest expression in a world lacking authenticity is my jam.

Welcome to the community I craved, the knowledge I wish had been available to me and the mentorship I wish I'd had.